Stop Teaching Our Children To Kill! 12/10 by Christianswann | Blog Talk Radio

Stop Teaching Our Children To Kill! 12/10 by Christianswann | Blog Talk Radio.

2 thoughts on “Stop Teaching Our Children To Kill! 12/10 by Christianswann | Blog Talk Radio

  1. I guess we need to stop teaching them how to drive also. Look at the numbers of deaths caused by vehicles and look at how many teens were driving those vehicles. I guess we need to stop teaching them how to drink also. Majority of teens that drink learned it by watching a parent or another adult. I grew up around guns and have never simply gone out and gone on a rampage. It’s called teaching and accountability for everyone. Maybe the guns should have been in a safe with a combination since the child that did the murders was mentally unstable. Someone is always held accountable for actions taken. The mother knew the child had issues and could have prevented this from happening. But if a person wants a gun, all they have to do is pick up a news paper or get one from the streets. This isn’t about, Stop teaching our children to kill, its about accountability. I was shooting a bb gun when I was a child and have a nice collection of guns and served my country. Does this mean every child out there that grew up as I did is going to be like the child that killed all the children and adults last week?


  2. Robert, not quite sure you listened to the show. I grew up around guns as well. The show was on about violent video games and violent tv. Parents letting their kids engross themselves in M rated games. The one thing that all the school shooters had in common. Even statically the one thing that most of the kids have in common in other countries as well. We as adults can handle the games the TV. We are adults. They are children and it proving with stated facts that kids, can not handle them.

    The show was also, about the second ammendment and how we are very much for the second ammendment. In no way, am I against guns, in fact the very opposite. I do think we need to do better at education people that own guns. And, completely agree with you on the safe issus. If you have kids or a lot of company. Lock them up. It is about accountability. We each have a responiblilty. I believe it is my responiblity to protect my family, and that is by carrying a gun and a knife. I also think it’s my responiblity to help educate and hopefully get to the parents and let them know how bad these games are for their children. Maybe you are unaware of the type of games that are out there. Maybe you are. But if you have children, that spend hours a day playing these games. I can tell you it is not a good thing. Thanks for your comments and thanks for following.


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